Prices & Booking

In summer we are completely flexible on arrival and departure days so please get in touch, stays from 3 to 7 nights. From Just £60 per night whats not to like.  To make it simpler below are our most popular packages, please choose whatever suits your group. 

All In

7 Day Standard Package

Return airport transfers for you and your bikes
7 nights luxury accommodation
Breakfasts on every day
Superb meals/BBQ’s with decent wine / beer on 6 nights
Guiding if required
Tools/ Washdown Zone/Hot tub
Daily drop offs at the bike park

Just £525
(Based on 4 or more)

The Mutts Package

Ride 3 countries in one week
1 Day Gaps and Drops riding in the Chatel and Morgins bike parks
1 Day excursion either Verbier/ Rocher du Naye (Switzerland) or Pila (Italy)
All  transport between resorts
All of the features included in the Standard package

Just £595
(Minimum 4, Maximum 8 – Advanced Riders Only

Book Now

If you don’t fancy any of the above then we can tailor make a bike break just for you. Just let us know what you want to do! Number of nights, catering just ask

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